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Jak zaregistrovat Lonsdor K518 Pro? Jak vykonávat funkci, kterou si přejete?
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Jak zaregistrovat K518 Pro?
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Jak používat funkci K518PRO?
Pochopte, co přesně funkce v nabídce umí, a vyberte funkci, kterou potřebujete k ovládání.
1.K518 PRO Nabídka Funkce Displej
Immo & Remote | Program mechanical key/smart key/remote and other functions; l Support a vast majority of vehicle models on the market, regularly add new models |
Odometer adjustment | Mileage diagnosis and correction for some models |
Generate remote/smart key | Support smart key generation for some models, remote generation for most vehicle models, and garage door remote generation. |
Adapter | Read and write EEPROM chip/CPU main control chip, read EEPROM Pin code, etc. |
Special functions | Include functions: identify and copy key chip, generate key chip, detect remote frequency, simulate chip, decode chip, detect IMMO coil, key settings, access control card, etc. |
Push Functions | Push the designated function program to user, which will be automatically disabled when expired. Contact us to acquire functions not opened or not activated yet. |
OBD Illumination | OBD cable connector’s light can be switched on/off. |
Aftersales feedback | Users can feedback problems encountered to us. |
Aftersales feedback message board | On the message board, user can see our reply to all the questions after giving feedback, and inquiry further if any doubt. |
2.K518 PRO Pokyn pro speciální funkce
Generate key chip | Support 4D, 46, 48, 7935, 8A and more chips to generate specific car key chips |
Identify/Copy chip | Identify key chip info and status of almost all cars on the market |
Remote | Detect frequency of remote key |
Simulate chip | Mainly LKE functions, include: simulate 4D/46/8A chip, bind LKE and obtain LKE info, etc |
Decode chip | Support 46 and 4D chip decoding |
IMMOcoil | Detect if immo coil has signal, and identify key type in AKL situation as well |
Key settings | Set Lonsdor 8A and 4D smart key type |
Unlock key | Unlock Toyota 8A smart key |
3.K518PRO Pokyny pro rozhraní nastavení systému
Wifi settings | Set WIFI connection. |
Ethernet | Display Ethernet card status, network connection status, MAC/IP address, etc. |
Bluetooth settings | Set Bluetooth connection status. |
Brightness and sound | Set screen brightness and auto-off screen time. |
Start record | Click to start recording, or close demo video. |
Device info | View device ID, PSN, hardware/kernel version and other info. |
Screen test | Screen touch diagnosis |
Firmware upgrade | Include APK update, kernel upgrade, etc |
Reset device | Reset the device, situations like program error, system crash, communication failure, can be returned to normal state. |
File manager: | View and manage files. |
Network test | Test network when it is unstable. |
4. Instrukce pro ovládání funkcí Lonsdor K518Pro
Function | Illustrate each function, and the necessary tips for certain functions. |
Operation | Give concrete guide for each step, pics and notices attached if necessary. |
Attention | Emphasize tips and notices for functions, as well as user possible overlook during operation which may cause program failure. |
Reference | Provide the basic information like chip type, frequency, key embryo no., PIN code requirement, car photo, OBD position and other related info. |
QR code | Scan QR code to view HELP instructions while programming key. |
Demo | Demo record and user record process. |
Feedback | Feedback function problems in time. |
Version | Detect the latest version of current interface function. |
Na našem oficiálním blogu je spousta příspěvků o programu Lonsdor K518 Pro Full Version Key Programmer. Chcete-li zjistit více informací, zadejte do vyhledávacího pole „k518 pro“.
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